Health plans

We Help Health Plans

KDJ Consultants is a trustworthy and dedicated partner to health plans in need of healthcare analysis and data abstraction services, including Medicare and Medicaid. Our intimate knowledge of regulations, documentation requirements, and the intricacies of heath records allows KDJ Consultants to find the information health plans need to improve policy offerings and outcomes to their customers.

Better Plans, Better Outcomes

  • Patient Risk Assessment: KDJ Consultants can identify health risks of their policy holders allowing them to adjust their offerings accordingly.
  • Cost Management: KDJ Consultants will help providers identify patterns in healthcare utilization and cost, enabling providers to more efficiently manage financial resources and predict future healthcare expenses.

Improve Patient Outcomes with KDJ Consultants

Contact KDJ Consultants today and let’s start the conversion on how we can help you achieve better outcomes, financial efficiencies, and preserve integrity through our data abstraction and analysis services.

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